Genitourinary System

Semen Retention

Semen Retention, Meaning, Benefits, Side Effects, Science and Ayurveda

Does semen retention increase testosterone, Is it healthy, its timeline, science, and what does Ayurveda say about Semen Retention. We will be throwing light on all 0f these questions. Keep Reading Semen Retention Meaning The meaning of Semen Retention is to Hold Back the Ejaculation inside its natural place, the Testicles. This means avoiding ejaculation. …

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Urinary Retention in Females

Urinary Retention in Females, Remedies: Easily Pass Urine | Treatment

Introduction Urinary retention is the Retention of urine inside the bladder and not being able to pass it outside due to any reasons (given below). Urinary Retention in females is nowadays becoming an emergency condition and may sometimes need prompt drainage or treatment. Specifically, in Females, There can be two main causes 1. Obstruction to …

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