Is Bleeding Necessary After Taking Unwanted 72? FAQs, Explanations


Unwanted 72 is a popular emergency contraceptive pill that is used by women to prevent unwanted pregnancies after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. One common question that often arises is whether bleeding is necessary after taking Unwanted 72. In this article, we will dive into this topic, addressing frequently asked questions and providing insightful information about the pill, its effects, and what to expect. So let’s get started!

Is Bleeding Necessary After Taking Unwanted 72?

Unwanted 72, containing levonorgestrel, is designed to prevent pregnancy by delaying or inhibiting ovulation. It is not intended to cause immediate bleeding. While some women may experience withdrawal bleeding similar to a period after taking Unwanted 72, it is not necessary for this bleeding to occur to confirm its effectiveness.


How to know if unwanted 72 has worked?

To confirm the effectiveness of the pill, there are a few steps you can take:

  1. Take a Pregnancy Test: If you are concerned about the possibility of pregnancy after taking Unwanted 72 and you have missed your period or are experiencing unusual symptoms, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test. You can purchase over-the-counter pregnancy tests from a pharmacy or visit a healthcare professional for a more accurate test. Follow the instructions provided with the test kit carefully for accurate results.
  2. Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you have any doubts or concerns about the effectiveness of Unwanted 72, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your specific situation, provide guidance, and may recommend additional tests or examinations if necessary.
  3. Follow up on Menstrual Cycle: Keep track of your menstrual cycle after taking Unwanted 72. Although the pill can temporarily disrupt your regular cycle, if you experience a significant delay or irregularities in subsequent periods, it is advisable to seek medical advice. Remember that Unwanted 72 is not intended for regular contraception, so it is important to resume or start using a reliable contraceptive method after taking the emergency pill.

It is crucial to remember that Unwanted 72 is most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. However, no contraceptive method is 100% effective, and there is always a small chance of pregnancy.



Q: What if I experience no bleeding after taking Unwanted 72? A: The absence of bleeding does not necessarily indicate a failed contraception or pregnancy. Unwanted 72 can affect menstrual cycles differently for different individuals. If you have concerns, it’s advisable to take a pregnancy test after a few weeks or consult a healthcare professional.

Q: When will bleeding start after taking Unwanted 72? A: The timing of bleeding can vary among individuals. Some may experience withdrawal bleeding within a few days, while others may not experience it at all. It’s important to note that the absence of bleeding does not necessarily indicate a failed contraception.

Q: Does bleeding after taking Unwanted 72 mean no pregnancy? A: While bleeding after taking Unwanted 72 can be a reassuring sign, it does not guarantee the absence of pregnancy. The pill primarily works by preventing ovulation and altering the uterine lining, making it less receptive to a fertilized egg. To be sure, consider taking a pregnancy test or consulting a healthcare professional.

Q: What is the maximum delay in periods after taking Unwanted 72? A: Unwanted 72 can temporarily disrupt the menstrual cycle, causing delays in periods. The maximum delay can vary from person to person, but it is typically within one to two weeks. If you experience an extended delay, it’s advisable to take a pregnancy test or consult a healthcare professional.

Q: What if I experience light bleeding after taking Unwanted 72? A: Light bleeding or spotting is a common side effect of Unwanted 72. It is usually temporary and should not be a cause for concern. If the bleeding is heavy or persists for an extended period, it’s recommended to seek medical advice.

Q: After how many days does withdrawal bleeding occur after taking Unwanted 72? A: Withdrawal bleeding can occur within a few days to a week after taking Unwanted 72. However, as mentioned earlier, the timing can vary among individuals. If you do not experience withdrawal bleeding, it does not necessarily indicate a failed contraception.

Q: What if I experience bleeding after 10 days of taking Unwanted 72? A: Bleeding occurring 10 days after taking Unwanted 72 can be a result of hormonal changes caused by the pill. However, if the bleeding is heavy, prolonged, or accompanied by severe pain, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Q: How can I stop bleeding after taking Unwanted 72? A: Generally, the bleeding after taking Unwanted 72 subsides on its own and does not require any specific intervention. However, if the bleeding is heavy or persistent, it’s best to seek medical advice.


Bleeding after taking Unwanted 72 is not necessary to confirm its effectiveness as an emergency contraceptive pill. While some women may experience withdrawal bleeding, others may not. The absence of bleeding does not indicate a failed contraception or pregnancy. If you have concerns, it’s recommended to take a pregnancy test or consult a healthcare professional for further guidance. Remember, Unwanted 72 is designed for emergency use only, and regular contraception methods should be followed for long-term pregnancy prevention.

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